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  SMW(Soil Mixing Wall)
SMW(Soil Mixing Wall),Piling Technology

SMW(Soil Mixing Wall)

SMW is the abbreviation of soil mixing wall, this foundation technology is applied to build secant and retaining wall.

SMW(Soil Mixing Wall),Piling Technology SMW(Soil Mixing Wall),Piling Technology
Procedure of SMW (Soil Mixing Wall)

1. Three shafts soil mixing rig has to be used to drill the certain depth according to the design, the multi shaft augers can blended the soil and inject the concrete formula into the bore pile.
2. Each unit of bore pile has to be secant, finally the continuous underground wall can be built.
3. Before the cement setting, the H beam need to be inserted into the soil mixing wall to reinforce the wall.
4. After the cement setting, the soil mixing wall will be continuous, high strength, and water tight underground wall.
5. After finish the complete construction, the H beam can be removed from the continuous wall to use again at the next site or either remains there as the continuous wall to be used.

Advantage of SMW (Soil Mixing Wall)
Very much less vibration to the surroundings, the following circumstances can be avoided: ground sink, building inclining, and road break etc comparing to the traditional underground continuous wall.
Higher water tight level, the coefficient of permeability is 10-7 to 10-8CM/s
H beam can be reused again and again for the temporally underground continuous wall. It will be very much cost efficient and environmental friendly.
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